Avian Veteran Alliance is a program dedicated to assisting veterans in their re-acclimation to life outside of the military. As part of Friends of Largo Nature Parks Inc. 501(C)(3), local vets have the opportunity to explore all facets of the park including: walking the trails, gardening, handling reptiles, and becoming involved in our newly formalized Raptor Program.

The birds of prey at The Narrows have all been deemed non- releasable, meaning each sustains some sort of handicap preventing them from surviving in the wild. As “Wounded Warriors” in their own right, these animals create a unique bond with local veterans providing a sense of hope and meaning to those that have sacrificed so much for our country.

AVA’s mission is simple:

To provide a place for these brave men and women to relax and connect with nature.
AVA is a newly founded program that has received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from veteran participants, as well as the volunteer staff that dedicate time to making it such an enriching experience. The Narrows is the only location in the U.S. to use raptors for this specific purpose, which is why we feel it is necessary to serve as a model pilot program nationwide. We ask for your support in funding Avian Veteran Alliance in order to further expand the program and provide these opportunities to a greater number of veterans in Pinellas County.


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If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.